Make a statement without shouting.  Ask without whining.  And tell an interesting story.


Video is the most viewed and acknowledged medium anywhere.  Knowing this we must be sure that we use those few minutes to tell a compelling story.  The stories we tell may just be a story, but more often we need to link it to an ask for support or to make a statement.  These presentations are used for events, social media, and in broadcast to capture the attention of our audience and inspire a response.  Please enjoy watching a few examples that Blue Moose Graphics has either edited and/or captured.


Sizzle reel

How do you make a statement about you and do it without shouting? A “sizzle reel.” This style of video is a bit self-promotion, a bit storytelling and whole lot of interesting stuff for you audience. Blue Moose Graphics will capture the footage and produce a statement about your success, without outright bragging.

Tell your story

Story presentations videos take on a vibe of their own based on the subject. Taken while on assignment for Holt International, this is a piece where a young woman in Uganda told us her life story in about 90 seconds. We had the privilege of following her for a day to see her what her typical day encompasses.  Blue Moose Graphics will capture and put on screen a short reel that details the most important pieces of your story.


Call to Action

Moving hearts and minds is how we change the world.  In this story we are asking for people to respond to the nutritional needs of children around the world.  Blue Moose Graphics will set-up your ask with authentic stories that spark the change.

Social Media

Social media feeds the mantra “Do it now!”  Stories are intended to be short for the short attention span that this medium allows.  The audience is more responsive and engages quickly.  Blue Moose Graphics will develop a series of quick ads that reach Instagram followers.


Recognition & Memorials


Video Pricing